Resolutions for 2010

  • #1 Raise $10,000 For My Husbands Garage
  • #2 Spend 1 Year Without Cable Television
  • #3 Spend a 24 Hour Period in Complete Silence
  • #4 Loose 15lbs By Memorial Day Weekend
  • #5 Listen to only Christian radio stations
  • #6 Read the entire Bible
  • #7 Conquer my Diet Coke addiction

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

#1 is almost done!!!

Major resolution news!!!!! Less than a month ago our garage fund was at $1,580.25This was a huge accomplishment for us considering we managed to save this amount in just 2 short months. Then we got our tax refund back and two days later, when I walked to my mail box we received a major blessing from God…..past due child support courtesy of the US government intercepting my ex-husbands tax refund!!!!! Brace yourself…….Our garage fund goal is $10,000.……. We are now at $8,695.25 in less than 3 months.!!!! With this amount we can begin the process of drawing up plans, laying concrete, getting permits and buying some material. Thank you God for caring about the little things like getting my husband into a garage. A garage is not something that we can take to heaven with us but it will sure make life on earth a lot more comfortable!

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